Impact of climate change on education in India

2 min read

Climate change is having a growing impact on education in India. Extreme weather events, sea level rise, and other climate change impacts are damaging school infrastructure, affecting educational equity, and posing risks to students and teachers.

Impact on school infrastructure

Extreme weather events such as floods, cyclones and storms are damaging India’s schools. Recently, in the Udupi district of Karnataka, a high wind caused the roof of a school to be lifted off, injuring students and teachers. Rising sea levels are also threatening schools in coastal areas.

Impact of climate change on education in India

Impact on educational equity

Climate change disproportionately affects India’s most vulnerable students. Students from low-income families and marginalized groups are more likely to live in areas vulnerable to climate change. In addition, these students are less likely to have access to quality education, which makes it harder for them to adapt to the effects of climate change.

What can be done?

Many steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of climate change on education in India.

Increase the resilience of schools to climate change. This includes measures such as elevating schools above flood levels, installing solar panels to provide back-up power, and ensuring that schools have access to clean water.
Incorporate climate change into the curriculum. Students need to learn about climate change and its impacts, and what they can do to adapt to and mitigate it. Teachers also need to be trained on how to teach about climate change in an engaging and effective way.
Provide support for students and teachers affected by climate change. This includes trauma support for students who have experienced climate-related disasters and specialized training for teachers on how to support students affected by climate change.

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