Leeds hosts outdoor exhibition to promote city’s heritage and culture

3 min read

Ten striking, large-scale artworks have been unveiled on Leeds’ Neville Street, forming an outdoor exhibition that pays tribute to the city’s rich history, vibrant life and multiculturalism.

The artworks on display on the east wall of Neville Street showcase the creative talents of local artists and delve into Leeds’ past, present and future. The works explore themes such as Leeds’ cultural heritage, industrial heritage, music, nature and people, with a particular focus on communities in the south of the city.

To create these meaningful works, each artist worked with the local community and their insights are reflected in the final designs. The artworks aim to celebrate the cultural and historical links between the south Leeds community and the city center.

Each piece has a companion webpage that complements the physical artwork, providing visitors with information about the artist and a video explaining the inspiration behind the work and how it was created.

Leeds hosts outdoor exhibition to promote city’s heritage and culture

“These unique artworks on Neville Street will provide a positive and thought-provoking entry point to Leeds, further cementing our identity as a culturally vibrant and creative city,” said Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Member for Sustainability and Infrastructure.

“The artists have represented many aspects of Leeds’ heritage, history and wider culture in their artwork and I think people will enjoy their work for many years to come.

The artworks link the heritage and culture of south Leeds to the city center and complement the wider environmental improvements to Neville Street and the surrounding area that are part of the first phase of the Leeds Integrated Station Masterplan. These include improvements to pedestrian, cycle and wheel infrastructure between the north and south of the city.

The exhibition was organized in partnership with Leeds City Council, Leeds Civic Trust, Network Rail, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and local councillors. The exhibition is part of the Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway scheme and part of Leeds’ Year of Urban Culture 2023.

“This vibrant exhibition is a great way to celebrate our region’s diverse communities and rich cultural heritage,” said Tracy Brabin, Sheriff of West Yorkshire.

“It will help us to improve the environment around our stations more widely and work towards a stronger, brighter West Yorkshire.

Anna Weeks, chief project sponsor at Network Rail, added: “Leeds station is set to undergo a major transformation over the next few years and this unique display of artwork is part of that transformation.

“We are proud to support this project which will bring color and vibrancy to the station area and promote the city’s heritage and culture.”

The Neville Street Outdoor Exhibition is testament to Leeds’ commitment to preserving its heritage while embracing its creative spirit and fostering a sense of community and pride amongst residents and visitors alike.

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