Disciplinary network appeared at the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition, focusing on "digital empowerment, good for each lesson"

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& emsp; & emsp; from April 19th to 21st, the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition was held at the Chongqing International Expo Center.This year’s decoration exhibition has attracted more than 1,000 companies at home and abroad to participate in the exhibition, and comprehensively demonstrates educational equipment products and services of educational teaching and education management of basic education, vocational education, and other application scenarios, and promotes industry exchanges and development in the context of digital transformation.Explore the development path and cutting -edge trend of education and teaching innovation.

& emsp; & emsp;Digital resources+digital tools & ensp; empower each lesson

& emsp; & emsp; In the disciplinary network exhibition hall, a group of scenarios that revolves around the four major teaching scenarios and corresponding digital services of intelligent lectures, accurate evaluation, regional examinations, and ingenuity training, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting new new services, reflecting the new new service, which reflects the new NewThe innovative application of technology and new concepts in the field of education and teaching has brought you a refreshing view of view.

& emsp; & emsp; preparation class is an important teaching link. On the exhibition area of the “Internet School” of the Smart Network of the Disciplinary Network, the viewers experienced one -click preparation on the spot.Teacher Li from a middle school in Chongqing searched for the section of “Purpose of Purpose” in the online school. After clicking, 1 second, he obtained a whole set of sets of teaching courseware, teaching design, guiding cases, and layered assignments.Quality preparation resources! This is due to the digital resource database of the disciplinary network for 20 years. It covers over 20 million sets of resources for teachers for teachers.In addition, the functions of online schools, multi -person discussions, one -button lectures, preparation inspection, and school -based management have also been loved by everyone. It truly realizes that “let teachers more efficiently prepare for lectures and make school leaders more conveniently managed.”

& emsp; & emsp; Teacher Zhang from the same school as Mr. Li is often plagued by homework and examinations. He experienced the AI group of the AI group of “E volume” of the Scholar Network Smart Evaluation Platform -enter a sentence in a computer in a computer.”I want to group a set of high school mathematics, the unit test papers of the function and the guide number chapter, medium difficulty, 8 single -choice topics, 4 multiple choices, 4 empty questions, 6 answering questions”, immediately got itA set of satisfactory test papers.The realization of this service is based on the support of the intelligent question bank and AI model of over 21 million questions, which has greatly improved the work efficiency of teachers.

  e卷通的智能阅卷服务也吸引了许多关注,它一键生成答题卡,不改变学生线下答题习惯的同时,实现高效阅卷并自动收集作业及考试数据,再由基于AI算法The personalized learning report provides teachers and students with services such as multi -dimensional learning diagnosis, accurate and flexible pushing questions, so as to achieve teaching and accurate teaching according to their aptitude.

& emsp; & emsp; At the exhibition site, in addition to being interested in teaching products such as lectures and evaluations, managers from the Education Bureau and the school are also very concerned about the services of the high school college entrance examination and the professional growth of teachers.

& emsp; & emsp; Discipline Network Grand Corporation Each year, it organizes a number of college entrance examinations for high schools in various regions to help the education departments and schools to prepare for the examination and provide data support for scientific preparation. At present4 million candidates sign up for the joint exam.It is worth mentioning that it also uses big data technology to provide comprehensive analysis reports after the test, and combines the subject network mass quantitative question bank to provide a personalized improvement plan to improve the efficiency of test preparation.

& emsp; & emsp; Under the orderly advancement of the Ministry of Education, the reform of “new courses, new textbooks, and new college entrance examinations” has been rolled out, increasing the requirements for teaching, and also improving the teachers.On the AI training platform of the Discipline Network, the class of over 40,000 lines combines the valuable experiences of thousands of outstanding teachers including the national artist, the core writer of the textbook, and the backbone teachers, etc.growing up.Teachers can break the limitation of time and space and achieve online autonomous learning at any time. School administrators can also initiate collective training programs online to improve the efficiency and teaching level as a whole.

& emsp; & emsp;Open resources and technical capabilities & entaties & ensp; empower the industry transformation and upgrade

& emsp; & emsp; Educational digitalization is an important strategic support to promote the construction of educational power, and it is also a reform that is promoted by the whole society.In this digital change, the Disciplinary Network hopes that through digital resources, digital tools and technical capabilities that have been opened to the outside world for many years, the transformation and upgrading of the industry will be emphasized to achieve high -quality development with partners.

& emsp; & emsp; discipline network open platform for cooperation plans for various scenes of the education industry has attracted much attention. It opens high -quality resources, strong technology and teaching and research capabilities to help partners improve product functions and enhance market competitiveness.The open platform shows the wonderful cooperation cases in the fields of learning machines, smart blackboards, printers, precision teaching, wrong questions, scanning pens, interactive classrooms, volunteer reporting, and scroll system.Lenovo, Skyworth, Canon China, Changhong Education, Hanwang, Reading Lang, Liangli, step -by -step high -level partners.

& emsp; & emsp; Disciplinary network launched a smart book service at this exhibition for the first time. It and the discipline network book city jointly helped traditional teaching aids to publish and transform and upgrade.Disciplinary Network Book City used the ability and experience of more than 600 publishing units to provide a complete digital teaching aid solution for traditional publishing units.The Zhishu service will be digital and structured by teaching auxiliary paper content, realize the supporting and distribution of digital content, and provide practical functions such as camera correction, wrong questions include/management/printing, and variant training.Plan and weakness learning solutions, truly improve the quality and efficiency of learning, and create a new ecosystem of “AI Intelligent Education Aid”.

& emsp;& emsp; closely surround the “campus+classroom” & ensp; empower the new future of digital development

& emsp; & emsp; application is the most fundamental and powerful motivation for digitalization of education. The subject network closely focuses on the “campus” and “classroom” at the scene, and actively expands more education scenarios and a wider range of service scope of digital applications.Start a new future under the background of the new era.

& emsp; & emsp; many teaching work links, complicated management, disciplinary network smart teaching platform provides one -stop teaching comprehensive services, covering teaching (resource search, personal lesson, lectures in lessons, experimental teaching), examination group volumes, classes, classes, classesAfter the homework, examination papers), and the training of teachers’ training, solve the annoyance of the switching of multi -product application scenarios, and help the school’s refined teaching.Platform collection and analysis of massive data, data visualization, creating exclusive data centers of users, providing overall data viewing services for schools and regions, and providing managers with decision -making support.

& emsp; & emsp; vocational education has shown a trend of diversification and comprehensive development. The AI vocational education of the discipline network focuses on the college entrance examination of vocational education, providing digital education resources covering the mainstream majors of vocational education college entrance examinations, covering 30 major professional, and 142 courses.These resources cover the scenes of simultaneous preparation, simultaneous preparation, college entrance examination preparation, college entrance examination preparation, counterpart recruitment, skill contest, and examination level to help vocational education and teaching work run out of their own “acceleration” to promote the vigorous development of the industry.

& emsp; & emsp; The future of education digitalization cannot be separated from copyright protection.The Disciplinary Network is the first copyright in the field of K12 approved by the Beijing Copyright Bureau. It cooperates with the Beijing Copyright Bureau to build a digital certification platform to help the signing authors complete the authority and copyright certification of the work.Serve.The Disciplinary Network also through advanced technical means and rigorous secondary artificial audit mechanism, and the use of copyright visual management to further protect the rights of creators and actively respond to the construction measures of intellectual property rights.

& emsp;& emsp; Release the teaching experience compilation of “Famous Teachers’ Education”

& emsp; & emsp; at the exhibition, the discipline network officially released the compilation of teaching experience of “Education of Famous Teachers”, and held a “AI+Education Digitalization” expert discussions and exchanges.A book gift was also held at the scene to share the limited edition of “Master Teachers’ Education” to educators across the country who came to watch exhibitions.This teaching experience compilation was compiled by national educational experts and first -line teachers. It divided into six chapters “smart education”, “growth of class teachers”, “construction of famous teachers’ studio”, “teacher career development”, “teaching innovation and development”, “teaching evaluation integration”Including 26 articles, each of which contains a lot of latest educational insights, which contains extremely high gold content.

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