NBA’s top 5 height exaggerations: Durant included. Ben Wallace under 2 meters?

2 min read

In the NBA, players lying about their height is an interesting phenomenon. While it doesn’t actually have much of an impact on the game, there are still many players who are willing to do it. Some report low, some report high, and individuals have different ideas and purposes.


Lillard’s poor defense has a lot to do with his height. His official height is 1 meter 93, but later found out that the most is only 1 meter 82. He once took a photo with the famous model KK, the other party is a real 1 meter 85 height, Lillard and KK together, or a head shorter.


Faried’s offensive rebounding is impressive, and his continuous jumping ability is quite like Rodman’s style. His official height is 2 meters 03, but later found out that the most is only 1 meter 95, this height in the 4 position are short, but young with the natural athletic ability, can make up for the lack of height. After the grade is big, more injuries, Farid seems to be unable to do so.yeezy return policy


Durant’s height has always been a mystery. He’s officially reported at 2’08, but some say he’s only 2’03. But looking at him in a photo with Cousins and Jordan Jr. he’s basically the same height, so 2’08 is a guarantee.

NBA’s top 5 height exaggerations: Durant included. Ben Wallace under 2 meters?

Ben Wallace

Ben Wallace was officially reported to be 2’06, but it was later found out that he was only 2 meters at most. That’s really short for him to be playing center at a time when inside-outs were prevalent. However, he had excellent confrontation and played hard enough to become an interior defensive gate.


Garnett’s official height is 2 meters 11, but later found that at most only 2 meters 14. He had a photo with 2 meters 16 O’Neal, feel not much shorter, estimated 2 meters 14 height basically did not run.


There are many reasons for NBA players to lie about their height, some are to satisfy personal vanity, some are to get a higher contract, and some are to get an advantage in the game. Whatever the reason, lying about your height is dishonest behavior.

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