"Everything enters the campus" chaos: How can the pure land of education be a "hodgepodge"?

5 min read
□ Huang Huiqi (Shanxi University)
For some time, the “entering campus” affairs have been frequently criticized for the overwhelming problems of primary and secondary school teachers.The phenomenon of “everything to campus” has once again attracted widespread concern in society. This phenomenon not only interferes with the normal teaching order of the school, but also brings additional burdens to teachers and students.In fact, the problem of deeper educational ecological imbalances and the border of power and responsibility is hidden.A few days ago, the secretary group of the Central Education Leading Group issued a notice, which clearly requested that it was well -established, strengthened the review, and effectively reduced the burden of non -education teaching in primary and secondary school teachers.(China Industry Network on April 26)
Today’s campus seems to have become an omnipotent “storage box”, all kinds of affairs have come, and they have been stored in it.It is true that emphasizing the concept of “starting from the doll” and influencing the family by educating children, and then promoting the change of social ecology. This idea has its rationality.However, when the non -teaching nature of transactional work is like a tide, it is required to prepare for everything, leaving traces everywhere, this will undoubtedly become an unbearable burden on campus.According to statistics from a school before, the number of “entering campus” that has been received within a year is as high as 41 items.There are also media reports that some primary and secondary school teachers travel all day long to prepare for inspection materials, go to river ponds to prevent students from drowning, and guide traffic at the academy around the school.
The harmony and balance of education ecology looks particularly fragile in the face of the phenomenon of “everything enters the campus”.Education ecology was originally a delicate and complicated network. Among them, educators, learners, education content and education environment intertwined, and jointly maintained the health and vitality of education.However, when a series of non -educational social affairs poured into this pure land like a tide, the original harmonious ecological balance was ruthlessly broken.This not only weakens the self -regulation and recovery ability of education ecology, but also is likely to lead to offsetting and distorting the purpose and function of education itself, making the original intention of education gradually drifting away.
The boundaries of power and responsibility become blurred in the wave of “everything entering the campus”.Originally, the government, schools, families, and society took their duties in the field of education and escorted the growth of children.However, in reality, these roles and responsibilities are often confused, resulting in blurring between the boundaries.Through a series of policy intervention, the government has imposed many social affairs on the campus; due to the lack of sufficient autonomy and discourse rights, schools are often difficult to resist this external pressure; while family and society are over anxiety and expectations for education.Excessive participation in campus affairs further exacerbated this chaos.This state of unclear power and responsibilities and vague borders not only waste valuable educational resources, reduce the quality of education and teaching, but also bring endless disputes and conflicts to the field of education.
“Entering the campus” not only reveals the problems in the field of education, but also reflects the social misunderstanding and excessive expectations of education functions.Education is essentially a activity of human growth and development. The core goal should be to cultivate students’ comprehensive quality and ability.However, in today’s society, education is often given too much social function and expectations.People look forward to solving various social problems through education and achieve various social goals.This excessive expectation not only puts education to suffer heavy pressure, but also is likely to cause the goal and purpose of education itself to be ignored and forgotten.Therefore, we need to re -examine the essence and function of education, return to the original intention and mission of education, and let education truly return to its position and role.
In response to the problem of “entering the campus”, we must deeply reflect on and improve.The government should clearly define the role in education, avoid excessive intervention, and provide the school with necessary support through scientific policies, rather than improving social affairs.The school must strengthen professionalism and independence, clarify educational goals, refuse the interference of unrelated social affairs, and strengthen the construction of teachers to ensure the quality of teaching.In addition, families and society also need to review their attitudes and expectations for education.Family should pay attention to the needs of children’s growth and development, and provide appropriate support and guidance, rather than passing too much social pressure and expectations to the school.Society should create a good educational atmosphere and environment, and create favorable conditions for the growth of children, rather than interfere with the normal teaching order of the school through various social affairs.
The chaotic phenomenon of “everything enters the campus” violates the development of education itself, completely treats education as a vassal of politics and economy, and poses a great threat to the growth of children.Education should be carefully caring for pure land, not mixed and disorderly “hodgepodge”.The government, schools, families, and society should become the guardians of this pure land, and jointly create a pure and orderly learning environment for children.Only in this way, education can play a role and return to the essence of teaching and educating people.

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