Zhongxin Education | The 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition Conference was held: Focusing on digital empowerment and education innovation

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  With the deepening of digital transformation, the education equipment industry is standing at the frontier of the new development.Recently, the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the “Deadment Exhibition”) was held at the Chongqing International Expo Center.This exhibition is hosted by the China Education Equipment Industry Association, co -organized by the Chongqing Education Commission, the Chongqing Liangjiang New District Management Committee, and the people’s government of the Yubei District of Chongqing.Innovation and high -quality development of the equipment industry.

The opening ceremony of the 83rd China Education Equipment Exhibition

  Online and offline integration, Yunyun Showing becomes a highlight

  The current decoration exhibition adopts the online and offline integration office exhibition model, attracting more than 1,300 companies to participate in the exhibition, exhibiting 21,000 exhibits, including more than 5,000 products for online display, the highest in the years.Among the exhibitors, there are 561 national high -tech enterprises, 32,4569 patents, and 71,845 software copyrights in various types, which fully shows the innovative and technological strength of the education equipment industry.

  During the exhibition, more than 20 professional forums, academic conferences and achievements will be held to focus on the multi -dimensional issues of education equipment in education reform and development.Among them, the “Fourth Education Equipment Academic Conference” will explore the in -depth integration of artificial intelligence and education equipment innovation. The “National School First Aid Education Pilot Work Exchange Activities” aims to strengthen the exchange of school emergency education pilot work and strengthen the construction of the education system.In addition, there are the latest achievements of the integration of educational equipment, technology and education and teaching in the “New Products and New Technology and New Achievements Conference”.

  This year’s decoration exhibition has specially set up the two independent exhibition areas of “Music/Sports/Art/Labor/Labor/Book/Sanitary and Health” and “Preschool Education/Vocational Education/Higher Education”, emphasizing body and mental health and five education, promoting universal integration, optimizing optimization, optimizingEducation structure.Music/Sports/Art/Labor/Labor/Book/Sanitary Health Zone has attracted 191 cultural and educational supplies, libraries and museum construction companies, and 41 public health medical and health companies.The reasonable layout of vocational education/high education exhibition areas effectively helps vocational education and higher education towards the development direction of optimizing structure, mutual integration, and collaborative innovation.

  AI becomes a trend, greatly improving education efficiency

  At this year’s decoration exhibition, the application of artificial intelligence technology has become the largest popular, and many companies have demonstrated their innovative products and solutions in the education field.

  HKUST Xunfei has a large model and digital technology technology in its starfire cognitive model, creating a “Star Fire” to learn from the students or examiners to realize the 1V1 immersive exercise spoken language, covering the four pre -school, elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university four.Level 6, IELTS TOEFL and other age groups of English learning needs.

  The theme of Youbixuan Education is based on the theme of “AI empowering high -quality talent training”, showing artificial intelligence education solutions covering basic education and vocational education.The newly educated UDECA ecological product system of “Test Kao”, as well as the multi -mimic intelligent education robot, which won the two major international awards of the IF Gold and Red Dot Supreme Award, attracted a large number of participants to stop.The operation gang shows its large Milky Way model and the latest products, including intelligent learning hardware, intelligent teaching aids, literacy products, education digital products, and providing personalized learning planning with technologies such as large models and knowledge maps, showing artificial intelligence technology in education in education.Domain application.

  Huawei Qingyun exhibited its teaching, research management full -link smart education solution at this decoration exhibition, including teachers’ lectures, smart classrooms, computer classrooms, AI self -study rooms, physical and chemical students experimental test rooms, etc., and aimed at the purpose ofSolve high -frequency pain points in the process of digitalization of education.Huawei Qingyun’s plan provides full -link education support from basic education to higher vocational colleges through commercial products and AI capabilities.

  The classroom is still the protagonist, and the smart blackboard evolves

  Since the Ministry of Education issued the “Education Informatization 2.0 Action Plan”, the informatization and intelligent transformation of classroom scenes have always been the focus of attention.

  At this exhibition, the new AI teaching terminal “The Seventh -generation Interactive Smart Piece” displayed by Hivo attracted the attention of a lot of audiences.This product is the first in China with AI four -eye camera, large application teaching model and exclusive AI computing chip, combined with the classroom intelligent feedback system, to achieve coverage and feedback of the classroom panoramic view.

  HKUST Xunfei’s starfire model also improved on “feedback”. It launched a cut -off can automatically analyze and targeted suggestions on teaching behavior, classroom question and answer, student learning, etc.Help teachers’ development and teaching quality.

  Honghe Technology shows its 2024 intelligent digital green board and intelligent interactive tablet. These products support domestic operating systems and promote the digital transformation of education through AI technology.

  Scientific education east winds, new products and new textbooks have been followed

  In May last year, the eighteen departments and other departments of the Ministry of Education jointly issued the “Opinions on Strengthening the Science Education Work of Primary and Middle Schools in the New Era”, which provided strong guidance for scientific education in primary and secondary schools.

  As an important part of scientific education, ape tutoring its brand ape programming exhibited its all -department adolescent AI education products, including “Programming Application and Computing Thinking” and “Advanced Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence” series of courses, AR programming, physical programming programming, Smart hardware programming, etc.These products aim to cultivate students’ programming skills and computing thinking, and at the same time, the basic series of AR programming algorithms launched, using AR technology to provide an immersive learning experience, which has promoted the popularization of artificial intelligence education.It is reported that the artificial intelligence education resources of Ape programmed have been used in more than 2,500 schools across the country, covering more than 20 provincial administrative regions.

  New Oriental Smart Education segment scientific education into “scientific exploration+intelligent technology+aerospace technology”.”Scientific exploration” helps children and children effectively stimulate their curiosity and desire to explore the scientific world. Exercise various aspects of thinking and solve problems as the core goal; “intelligent technology” creates “science and technology space+curriculum products+customized services for the school”Integrated intelligent science and technology education solution helps youth in all sections of primary and secondary schools to cultivate scientific spirit and scientific and technological ethics;” Aerospace Technology “has cultivated the integrated application capabilities of young people’s cross -disciplinary disciplines and comprehensive application capabilities of cutting -edge technology through aerospace science science theme courses to achieve Pu Pu Pu Pu.The popularity of Huahua Aerospace Science.

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