"Juvenile Chinese Technology · Future Science+" first launched a key to Chinese teenagers in Beijing to open the scientific world

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On April 20th, the first release of the new book of the popular science book of “Youth China Technology · Future Science+” was held in Beijing.
Red Net Moment News April 20th News(Reporter Cai Juan) In this rapidly changing era, we can’t help but think about it. What will the future world look like?This time, scientists, together with future scientists, explore unlimited possibilities.
On April 20th, on the occasion of the 29th World Reading Day, a new book of the new book of popular science books and “What is the world after growing up?” Scientist and future scientists meet with future scientists.The meeting was held at the Informatization Building of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Sun Degang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Computer Network Information Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the party secretary and chairman of Hunan Publishing Group, and Peng Boli, chairman of Zhongnan Publishing Media Group, attended the event and delivered a speech.
The “Juvenile Chinese Technology · Future Science+” series debuted.
Published by Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House and “Unwavering”, the first series of “Youth China Science and Technology · Future Science+” series editor -in -chief of “Ge Zhi Tao”, a total of five volumes of 54 outstanding domestic scientists brought togetherThe speech covers many cutting -edge fields such as aerospace, astronomy, and artificial intelligence.The desires of the series aims to make efforts to improve the scientific quality of the whole people, especially in the context of the “double reduction” of education, to provide strong support for scientific education for young people.
In his speech, Peng Boli stated that today, with the rapid development of science and technology, teenagers are the future and hope of the country. Popular science books, as an important carrier for transmitting scientific knowledge and inspiring scientific thinking, assume irreplaceable responsibilities and mission.It is hoped that “Juvenile China Science and Technology · Future Science+” Series will become another key to help Chinese teenagers open the scientific world after “Chinese Geography” and lead them to a better future.
In the era of rapid development of science and technology, how does AI create painting?Will AI painting replace artists?… At the event, a researcher at the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and one of the authors of “Juvenile China Science and Technology · Future Science+” series of books brought a keynote speech on “the use of artificial intelligence in life and work”, discussed art creation and artistic creation andThe relationship between AI leads everyone into a magical AI art world.His explanation was like the spring breeze, and the complex scientific and technological principles were simplified, so that the audience Maose was opened.
The first series of “Junior China Science and Technology · Future Science+” Series is divided into five volumes.
In the round table conversation, Professor Xie Guangming from the School of Engineering of Peking University and scientific enthusiasts talk about the field of bionicism and robotic technology of “machine fish”, telling the design principles and significance of underwater robots, discussed the machine, and discussed the machineIn the future, fish will be more widely used in the future and richer practical value; Dong Weiming has a dialogue with the topic of “how will AI change our learning and life?”
At the event, the warm interaction between the audience and the speaker became a beautiful landscape.During the entire event, the collision of knowledge exploration and imagination always penetrated, not only to effectively spread scientific knowledge, but also made everyone at the scene feel the infinite charm of science.

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