2024 Huainan Junior High School Student Experimental Skills Competition was successfully held

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  In order to cultivate the core literacy of the discipline, improve the level of intellectual education, coordinate classroom learning and extracurricular practice, strengthen experimental operations, and improve students’ creative thinking and practical ability, the Huainan Education and Sports Bureau held the experimental skills of junior high school students in the city on March 21 on March 21st.Contest.

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  During the competition, Yang Shenhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, and Governor Zhang Xiaoming cordially visited the students and score teachers. He affirmed the significance of the experimental skills competition and encouraged students to learn science, love science, and use science.

  The competition was highly valued by the county and districts. After the preliminary competition of the county and the district, a total of 183 students were selected to participate in the city -level competition.The disciplines of this competition are junior high school physics, chemistry, and biology. The experimental content is mainly based on students in the textbook.The competition division test questions and operation questions are two links. Participating students carefully answer the test questions and perform experimental operations skillfully, which fully reflects the students’ innovative spirit and the aggressiveness of diligence. They show their meticulous and rigorous attitude.Scientific literacy.

  The judges carefully observe the students ‘experimental operation links, carefully analyze the students’ experimental design, and the fair and fair score.

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